Saturday, December 11, 2010

Crustacean Threat? Where?

Here is our guard dog Drive, alert and keeping an eye out for any intruders or threats!
None shall pass!
Okay, seriously? Do not ever expect a greyhound to guard anything other than a couch or a food bowl. You may be disappointed.

We're joining the blog hop again this week!


  1. My sister needs to learn a little bit more about how to guard a couch, and less about the need to play fetch at 11pm. I'm just saying....

    *kissey face*
    -Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

  2. Ha ha looks like a golf hat! Too cute!

  3. LOL...that is cute! My Rex is the same, only interested in watching out for his food or couch.

  4. What a superb hat!

    Yeah, Drive has many virtues. His capacity to savagely attack intruders isn't one of them.

  5. Hi Drive **Wave** You are doing a great job - I am sure that hat is helping you!! :)

  6. Hey now! Hold up there! Mine might wag somebody to death before showing them to Granny's good silver!

  7. Mine are excellent watch dogs. They'd watch anyone come in and watch them go out. They'd watch for any sign that the intruder might squeak a plushy.

    your photo is a cracker.

  8. Awww missed one you pretty pooch... hope you're having a great weekend

  9. cute! My Rex is the same, only interested in watching out for his food or couch.
