I've been busy the past few Saturdays, but I'm happy I remembered to join the bog hop this week. Hi everyone!
The only thing on our agenda this weekend is Bullie's annual trip to the vet. We're honestly surprised to be making this trip, since we didn't expect him to make another year with us. He just turned 12 in June and he's still hanging in there. He can't stand for any length of time and he wobbles when he walks. He's had a few little accidents and he mostly sleeps except to eat a little and go potty outside.

I'm afraid he's going to get hurt. I'm afraid he'll fall and
really injure himself and his last moments will be filled with trauma and pain. He's so fragile sometimes, but there's still a little light in his eyes. And today, he gets a cheeseburger and a ride in the van -- and someone sits in back with him, to keep him safe.