Showing posts with label earses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label earses. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Watch Dog

Dude. There is nothing out there. I don't know what you think you're whining at for three hours a day, but there is nothing out there.

 No. No, there's nothing out here either. In the interest of science I spent a lot of time staring out the window with Monsoon over this past week, and I am positive. There's nothing out there.

That doesn't stop him, though. He bounces and whines and chatters. When I take him outside, he explores the yard thoroughly and then looks up at me as if to say, "Huh. I was pretty sure I saw something out here! Did you hide it, Mom?"

So: my apologies for another unannounced month-long hiatus. If I ever knew they were coming I'd try to issue a warning, but that's not how it works. How it usually works is I pull my head out from under a pillow and realize I haven't spoken to anyone, updated a blog, taken a picture or completed a project in a month and that I should probably rejoin society. Here I am, for however long it lasts this time! ;)

We’re participating in this Saturday’s Pet Blog Hop, hosted by Life With DogsTwo Little Cavaliers and Confessions of the Plume.  If you’d like to participate, please follow the rules and follow your three hosts, add your blog to the Linky and copy and paste the html code into your html editor.  Thanks again to our hosts for putting on the hop!
This is a Blog Hop!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Monday, August 22, 2011


I've posted quite a few pictures of Ki-lee on this blog now; yesterday's is one of my favorites. Aside from being stunning, she's a very special little girl to me, and her mom is one of my dearest friends. We spent the day hanging out together yesterday and I got some great shots of our beautiful dogs. I can't take a lot of photographic credit for these. It's hard to take a bad picture of a greyhound.

Ki-lee is a young dog and she was fascinated by the ocean. She couldn't figure out why the waves came at her but then receded, as if they wanted to play. She was still looking over her shoulder as we left the shoreline, puzzled by the giant sloshing creature.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Roo Face

Drive has a squeaky, funny little bark. For a big male dog with so much chest cavity, I kind of expected more depth. More resonance. But no. He yips.

Lanie, on the other hand, has that gruff deep voice you'd expect. She talks all the time, like in the video I posted yesterday, usually variations on "Hurry up with that food, lady." She makes the greatest faces, so I talk back to her and keep up conversations with her. I would love to get in her doggy little brain and learn what she thinks she's telling me. Wouldn't that be awesome?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fuzzy Wuzzy

Lanie is so plush. I stroke this neck for hours a day, whenever I have a hand free, since she's always so close to me. I think she keeps my blood pressure at safe levels.

However, she's also the dog most likely to raise it.

Yes, she does have a fantastic overbite.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Crustacean Threat? Where?

Here is our guard dog Drive, alert and keeping an eye out for any intruders or threats!
None shall pass!
Okay, seriously? Do not ever expect a greyhound to guard anything other than a couch or a food bowl. You may be disappointed.

We're joining the blog hop again this week!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thursday, September 30, 2010


He was too cute to walk past without snapping a picture, so I stopped and knelt down. He gave me this intrigued look and started to get up. With a memory card full of close-up snot-shots, I whispered, "No, no, stay down!" He relaxed.

I crept a few feet closer. He watched me, wagged his tail, and started to get up again. Because obviously I was coming to love him. I'm sure he had a day full of ooohs and aaaaahs, being this handsome. "No, baby! Lie down," I begged. So he did.

It took me about ten minutes to get where I wanted and take a few shots. When I put the camera down, I swear to you, he raised an eyebrow at me. (GSDs can do that, ask anyone who knows them.) I said, "It's cool, I'm all set."

And he tackled me.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wait, who's THAT guy?

Even his shadow is handsome and alert and just as concerned about those shadow-leaves as the real Drive was.